What to Expect At Your
Chiropractic Appointment

Proper diagnosis is essential to ensure proper care. Below is what you can expect in your first visit with Dr. Cate. Don’t find an answer you’re looking for here? Don’t hesitate to give us a call!


Before any chiropractic adjustments are suggested or performed, new patients are given a thorough physical exam by Dr. Cate.

02. X-RAY

We offer free x-rays for new patients. This helps us ensure that we treat the root cause of the pain or ailment and that any adjustments or treatments are the right type to recommend.


Dr. Cate will review your x-rays with you and determine the best adjustments, at-home treatments, and medication to treat your ailment. Based on the severity of the injury and pain, we may propose a series of appointments to strategically approach full-healing.

 Still have questions?

Give us a call to talk with our experience staff to get all of your questions answered!